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Comment on Senate Hearing: Data or Dogma by RiHo08


Mr. Eli Rabett

Thank you for pointing out my error regarding Mann’s and Titley’s collusion on academic fraud. Had I dug deeper, the dates, which were confusing to me at the time: 2005, 2009, 2012, 2013 would have demonstrated that Titley came after the PSU Mann whitewash. Of Course I stand corrected.

Mr. Eli Rabett. There is something that you can do for me. You said: “…the swiss army knife satellite data” which is confusing to me. Maybe you have posted an explanation regarding this phraseology earlier and I missed it. Please then direct me to the correct quote.

Comment on German Energiewende – Modern Miracle or Major Misstep by catweazle666


Peter Davies: “Renewables is starting to develop such a track record.”

For being expensive and unreliable.

Especially with oil looking like dropping to $20 per barrel…

Comment on Senate Hearing: Data or Dogma by izen


@-Don Monfort
“The rest of us will move on in a couple of hours.”

Yes, it probably is that trivial and ephemeral a political byplay. I will take your advice and dismiss it as the staged irrelevancy it was.

Comment on Senate Hearing: Data or Dogma by Wagathon


Bolsheviks, aka Bolshevists, aka Bolsheviki –i.e., the majority: revolutionary socialists, aka Communists. Leftists! Although Leftists like Christopher Hitchens seem to have excused the methods the Bolsheviks employed to consolidate power as a necessary part of the Russian revolution, hopefully French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre evolved enough before he died to appreciate error in such thinking as he witnessed Communist totalitarianism unfold under his nose.

Comment on Senate Hearing: Data or Dogma by captdallas2 0.8 +/- 0.3


I wouldn’t really try to use loyalty as a fault with Titley he is most likely a very stand up guy. He say something kind of odd, that is someone told him with 97% confidence what would happen on a battle field he would be thrilled. Personally, I would think I was talking to an imbecile or a spy if they had that kind of confidence in that kind of situation.

He also wasn’t very clear on a major point, the risk of taking inappropriate action. Biofuel and diesel auto initiatives seem to be doing more harm than good because there are a few other kind of important issues to consider. Ignoring the possibility than are 2 to 3 times expectation could be a fairly costly blunder.

Comment on Senate Hearing: Data or Dogma by catweazle666

Joshua: <i>"Advocacy is fine, but inaccurate representation of data is bad advocacy."</i> Unless you're a CAGW True Believer in the business of <i>Saving the World™</i> when you can fabricate and Mannipulate to your heart's content, that right Joshua?

Comment on Can Coal-Fired Plants be Re-Powered Today with Stored Energy from Wind and Solar? by schitzree


When climate scientists ARE corrupt and the science IS fraudulent. Do you think calling an ISIS member a terrorist is demonizing? Is calling a scam artist a criminal demonizing? In any case, history will record it all in the end, no matter how much some try to rewrite it.

Comment on Senate Hearing: Data or Dogma by aneipris


Really excellent Dr. C. Your testimony was impressive….composed, lucid, and compelling. I think your interchange with Markey was superb. Those guys are tough, because they can talk and talk and talk and before you know it they’ve used up a ton of time and stolen any momentum you might have had.

One important point, you guys have to find a way to challenge the 97 percent number. It’s their primary weapon. Lofty discussions of the philosophy of science with regards to the perils of consensus seeking won’t do it. That number is fraudulent and must be exposed as such in a simple to understand way.

(aka pokerguy)

Comment on German Energiewende – Modern Miracle or Major Misstep by Peter Lang


Peter Davies,

This is a rather dissapointing comment. There are some significant problems with yourown statements:

1. they are simply your assertions, many are disingenuous and they are unsupported by any evidence, let alone valid,relevant evidence.

2. You say ERoEI figures are out dated. That is an irrelevant if you don’t quantify the change and whether this significantly changes the results and conclusions. ERoEI figures vary depending on the method used. However, the ones used in the analysis have been thoroughly critiqued and over all the analyses have stood up well to the critiques. Making fly-by dismissive comments like this is unhelpful and misleading for other reeaders. If you want to challenge the ERoEI figures used why haven’t you done so in the journals or on the blog sites where the experts on the subject had debated the details in depth? This comment http://bravenewclimate.com/2014/08/22/catch-22-of-energy-storage/#comment-350520 summarises the overall important outcome of those debates and gives you links to where the experts have debated the analyses – you can go there to present your opinions and get feedback from experts. There’s no point making simple dismissive comments here if you are not prepared to debate your beliefs with the experts.

3. “Typically wind power EROI for large turbines (and most of the new capacity comes as large turbines) achieve an EROI around the 25 mark.”
A disingenuous comment. The EROEI is not for wind turbines. It’s for a whole system with wind power and energy storage supplying fully dispatchable electricity with same availability baseload technologies. Read it again.

4. “Solar is becoming cheaper very fast. And unsurprisingly, the cheaper it gets, the higher the EROI becomes. ”

Wrong! ERoEI is about energy in and out and has nothing to do with the costs of the energy. ERoEI is not derived from the economics. Secondly, solar panel costs are decreasing at around 20% per capacity doubling. But the system cost is not decreasing anywhere near this fast, especially when you include the storage needed to make solar power fully dispatcable like nuclear or coal. And we cannot keep doubling solar capacity indefinitely. Fast rates of cost reduction are experienced by many technologies when they are at very low rates of penetration (as solar is now at <1% of global electricity supply). The real costs are hidden and passed on to others. Solar is not increasing as fast as coal generated electricity. So this is another misleading and disingenuous comment. Solar PV has increased its share of electricity generation at about 1/10th the rate nuclear has achieved since mid 1950s (they both started in the mid 1950s); over 25 years nuclear achieved 18% and solar <1% of global electricity supply.

5. "The figure for nuclear has been challenged by some and there are a number of estimates that put it as low as 5. There’s no clue as to where the large range comes from. 75 is certainly wildly optimistic for nuclear."

Another disingenuous comment. Of course you can find no end of ridiculous numbers to support your beliefs if that's what you are looking for. But as a PhD student you should be being trained to be more discerning and to do objective research. You should also learn to do reality checks. Consider the energy density of nuclear fuel verses solar energy strriking the Earth's surface, for example Sorry, but this comment simply demonstrates you swallow anti-nuke nonsense without challenging your beliefs. Once you're locked in in the anti-nuclear cult's agenda, there is little chance of enlightenment for a long time.

So far you've made many dismissive comments, unsupported by valid evidence, but you haven’t posted anything constructive or persuasive yourself to show that renewables can be viable at a large proportion of electricity generation.

I’d urge you to review this before you write any more: http://judithcurry.com/2013/04/20/10-signs-of-intellectual-honesty/

Comment on German Energiewende – Modern Miracle or Major Misstep by Peter Lang


Peter Davies,

I got to this unsupported ridiculous assertion and didn’t bother reading any further:

“Nuclear power has proven it can supply over 75% of the electricity in a large modern industrial economy France has been doing so for over 30 years.”

Renewables is starting to develop such a track record

I am horrified to think that Imperial College’s education levels have sunk to the level of their PhD students simply swallowing climate alarmist and renewable energy dogma.

Comment on Senate Hearing: Data or Dogma by sarastro92


Pro Curry’s exchange with Sen Markey did not go well. It’s embedded at

I hope this will be ignored and forgotten.
Markey came off well and got the best of Prof. Curry… when he brought up the “warmest year” issues she should have asked if he knows what El Nino is and the effect it had on temperatures in ’97-98… maybe that was implicit in her mention of natural factors but it was so vague that there was no impact. Curry also should have challenged him on the data series as well, since ’14 was not the hottest in the satellite record. Instead she conceded the point…

To the vast public the Climate News of the Year is the “Hottest Year” headline. The leading skeptical scientist is caught agreeing with this and has no adequate response.

Steyn acted like a blowhard and was all over the place.

Comment on Senate Hearing: Data or Dogma by beththeserf

Comment on Senate Hearing: Data or Dogma by Mark Silbert


I think that Steyn’s spin on the good Admiral in his written testimony was prescient. The dems probably tried to get Mann to testify and he, of course, refused and sent his JV new boy Titely in to obfuscate.

Comment on Senate Hearing: Data or Dogma by Mark Silbert



Titely was the Democrats go to guy. They used him to make their worn out points. That’s what Titely was there for.

Unfortunately Ted Cruz couldn’t muster enough Republican Senators to support him in this venue because he has (for better or worse) pissed off just about all of them.

It must seem odd for a Brit with little frame of reference on US politics, but just think how I feel when I try to understand Monty Python and the like.

Comment on Senate Hearing: Data or Dogma by captdallas2 0.8 +/- 0.3


Not really, On a 200 to 400 year timescale of warming you would expect warmest years ever in a short instrumental record until you reach what should be “normal”. You would also expect it to be the warmest year in the past 400 to 800 years.

There is pretty good evidence in the tropical ocean paleo that the LIA was about a degree cooler in ~1700 and since higher latitudes tend to amplify tropical advection, global temperatures could have be more than 1 C cooler. The issue isn’t just natural variability’s contribution but the time scale of the contribution.

Comment on Senate Hearing: Data or Dogma by Barnes


Well, after watching the full hearing, IMHO, nothing was accomplished. It is clear that the left will stick to their ideology regardless of any facts presented, and the left can claim the same of the right. The only way the trajectory of the debate changes is with a republican elected as POTUS while retaining both chambers of Congress – but that alone is not enough. We cannot have a POTUS who will be easily intimidated by the clapping seals, AKA,the MSM masquerading as journalists. The next POTUS has to have the cajones and the wherewithal to take on the green mob/blob which includes he MSM. I will be interested to read any comments by Dr. Curry.

Comment on Can Coal-Fired Plants be Re-Powered Today with Stored Energy from Wind and Solar? by schitzree


So you’d redistribute the wealth into your own pocket? By Jove, I think you’ve found the secret to Al Gore’s success!

Comment on Can Coal-Fired Plants be Re-Powered Today with Stored Energy from Wind and Solar? by schitzree


“why they put home heat pump compressors outdoors is a mystery.”

Partly because it’s cheaper to heat most homes then cool them. But mostly because the outdoors is a vastly larger heat sink then a house.

Comment on Senate Hearing: Data or Dogma by justinwonder



My understanding is the Cook et al 97% study was not a double-blind study – the employees/members of the NGO examined, interpreted, and recorded the “data”.

Is that correct?

Comment on Senate Hearing: Data or Dogma by Brandon S? (@Corpus_no_Logos)


The problem with Mark Steyn is he acts the same way, regardless of whether he is right or wrong. So sure, you may like the powerful speech he gives in defense of free speech. Just realize he’s going to turn around and offer a full-throated defense of the absurd work of Steven Goddard, having no interest in or concern for the fact Goddard is a conspiratorial nutjob whose work is completely wrong.

That’s the problem with people like Steyn. They may be effective showmen, but because they don’t put any significant interest in accuracy or correctness, all they are is showmen.

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