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Comment on Open thread by Barnes


That “human volcano” has about as much impact on climate as a fart has on a hurricane. You apparently have a problem discerning that the adjustments to the data have all gone in one direction only – that is to make earlier periods cooler and more recent periods warmer, creating an artificial “warming” trend. I suspect that soon the pause will be eliminated just like the LIA and MWP.

Comment on Open thread by climatereason



What are you personally doing to substantially curb your human volcano proclivities?


Comment on Open thread by beththeserf

Comment on Open thread by lolwot


Forest fires and drought triggered by high temperatures. Crop failures, deadly heatwaves. Sea level rise and floods.

Is it any wonder that scientists and the public are concerned about climate change?

Comment on Open thread by lolwot


Well evolution and the big bang are actually two separate scientific facts.

Comment on Open thread by lolwot


Nah better to just leave him frothing at the mouth

Comment on Open thread by beththeserf


Theories, lolwot, are not facts.Theories may be falsified
and replaced by new theories. C’est la methode scientifique,
n’est ce pas?

Comment on Open thread by Rob Ellison


A characteristic feature of global warming is the land–sea contrast, with stronger warming over land than
over oceans. Recent studies find that this land–sea contrast also exists in equilibrium global change scenarios,and it is caused by differences in the availability of surface moisture over land and oceans. http://users.monash.edu.au/~dietmard/papers/dommenget.land-ocean.jcl2009.pdf

Surface land temps are running half a degree C too hot for this reason – http://www2.ucar.edu/sites/default/files/news/2010/2000-2009wOceanLabels.jpg

Does no one get this?

Comment on Open thread by Edim


Yes, water cools the Earth’s surface.

Comment on Consensus angst by huxley


Steven Mosher: Thanks. But what then is all the fuss about?

How is it that Dr. Curry, who surely accepts this “consensus,” is labeled a “heretic” by SciAm or slandered by Michael Mann as “anti-science”?

Why the need for all the subterfuge like Climategate and Gleickgate, the rampant censoring and banning of skeptic speech in consensus forums, the refusal to comply with FOIA requests, the consigning of almost all skeptic voices to “deniers” dustbin?

There are people who reject the greenhouse effect, but not that many. Yet all skeptics are treated as though they were “deniers” of the consensus.

There is truth to your answer but it does not address the way “consensus” is used as a bait-and-switch for a larger agenda. Or as Willis put it, “a shabby attempt to give the alarmist position a false weight.”

Comment on Consensus angst by Doug Allen


Actually Willis, both climate and governments have killed lots of people in the past. Some governments are doing so now. So far as I know, neither our government nor climate change has killed people during my lifetime with the exception of capital punishment (which I oppose) and, indirectly, wars (which I usually oppose). Two groups of fear-mongers are setting their party’s agenda- Republican tea party promulgated fear of government and the Democratic greens promulgated fear of climate change. The issue Judith brought up was trust, and fear-mongering makes trust unlikely even when it is deserved. There’s a long history of both parties using fear to manipulate the electorate- eg., fear of communism, fear of drugs, fear of sexuality, fear of terrorism, fear of government, fear of climate change during my life time. Machiavelli wrote about it. Divert attention from solving real problems of injustice, inequality, freedom, corruption, unjust war, etc. by creating fear and scapegoats you can blame and hate.
It’s working Willis. Don’t you think.

Comment on Consensus angst by captdallas2 0.8 +/- 0.2


Imagine that? That Antarctic is such a devil.

Comment on Consensus angst by mosomoso


Record-setting heat on the US west coast!

Golly, here at 31 degrees latitude south not too far from the ocean you could ski the frost in my paddocks! Blizzards and huge snows in the high country to the south.

The planet has been shot. Round up all the usual suspects.

Comment on Consensus angst by Michael


Sounds more like climate-skepticism.

Much running wildy about.

Just look at the latest silliness from Goddard, Watts, et al.

Comment on Consensus angst by Doug Allen


Fan- you deserve Paul Krugman. We all appreciate that. Eh Fan!

Comment on Consensus angst by Don Monfort


It’s another bogus analogy along the lines of proposing a fake equivalency between climate science and medical science.

The Climategate Team and minions say: Well, would you reject a 97% consensus among medical experts, if they agreed that you needed surgery to save your life?

Climate science couldn’t carry the jockstrap of medical science. And you characters know it.

Comment on Consensus angst by Ragnaar


Once again Fan brings the Hansen science. At the link, figures 15 & 17 seems to be showing the upper 300 meters of the equatorial Pacific Region have not yet got the message that the oceans are still warming.

Comment on Consensus angst by ordvic


I haven’t heard a peep about the OCO-2. I would’ve thought there’d be some buzz with the prospect of being able to measure CO2 and sinks to a degree of shedding some light on the subject. It was scrubbed today due to a faulty water valve on the launch pad but rescheduled for tomorrow morning.

Comment on Consensus angst by pokerguy


“PG, you deniers hold the copyright on psychological projection.”

Beyond tedious, Web. Adult version of “I know you are but what am ?”
My working presumption…as with all you batty alarmists… is that you’re a well meaning, decent guy. However comments like the one Judith took down don’t make that easy.

If I were you I’d be grateful. She did you a favor.

Comment on Consensus angst by Diag


Denizens of this blog will know why this statement rings true. It is because there is no uncertainty in that 97% number. It doesn’t even matter what the question is, the answer is always exactly the same.

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