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Comment on Institutionalizing Dissent by Skiphil


At last, FOMT offers one of his irrelevant links that actually expains his own psychology!

“[Diogenes] even rejected normal ideas about human decency. Diogenes is said to have eaten in the marketplace,[45] urinated on some people who insulted him,[46] defecated in the theatre,[47] and masturbated in public”

Here we have FOMT to a “T”

No wonder he loves Diogenes!

Comment on Institutionalizing Dissent by cwon14

Comment on Institutionalizing Dissent by A fan of *MORE* discourse


Scholarly reference below! (and it’s from the American Enterprise Institute, so as to keep AK happy!)

It appears that few Climate Etc readers have much knowledge of who Diogenes was, or what he taught!

\scriptstyle\rule[2.25ex]{0.01pt}{0.01pt}\,\boldsymbol{\overset{\scriptstyle\circ\wedge\circ}{\smile}\,\heartsuit\,{\displaystyle\text{\bfseries!!!}}\,\heartsuit\,\overset{\scriptstyle\circ\wedge\circ}{\smile}}\ \rule[-0.25ex]{0.01pt}{0.01pt}

Comment on Institutionalizing Dissent by A fan of *MORE* discourse


Scholarly reference below! (and it’s from the American Enterprise Institute, so as to keep skiphil happy!)

It appears that few Climate Etc readers have much knowledge of who Diogenes was, or what he taught!

\scriptstyle\rule[2.25ex]{0.01pt}{0.01pt}\,\boldsymbol{\overset{\scriptstyle\circ\wedge\circ}{\smile}\,\heartsuit\,{\displaystyle\text{\bfseries!!!}}\,\heartsuit\,\overset{\scriptstyle\circ\wedge\circ}{\smile}}\ \rule[-0.25ex]{0.01pt}{0.01pt}

Comment on Institutionalizing Dissent by David Jay


I got $20 in the back, who will give me $25… Going once…..

Comment on Institutionalizing Dissent by captdallas2 0.8 +/- 0.2


Webster, “This topic on CO2 as a GHG is taught in classes on atmospheric physics and climate science and is contained in fundamental textbooks.”

Right and that fundamental is that a doubling of CO2 will increase atmospheric resistance to heat loss by about 3.7 Wm-2 which could produce 0.8 to 1.5 C of warming depending at the surface or surfaces chosen as references. Anything greater than that is embellishment.

Comment on Institutionalizing Dissent by naq


The democracy building advocacy of today want to use the tools of tomorrow.

Every chance they get, is what it looks like.

Comment on Importance of intellectual and political diversity in science by Science & Institutionalising Dissent | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)


[…] picked the following paper for discussion here, which follows the previous thread on Importance of intellectual and political diversity in science.  Below are some abstracts from Biddle’s […]

Comment on Institutionalizing Dissent by AK


My guess is that the conspiratorial thinking [...] is mostly a reflection of the identity-aggressive and identity-defensive behaviors associated with motivated reasoning.

Conspiracies are fairly common among our closest relatives, very strongly suggesting their presence in the common ancestor, which would mean they clearly predate the evolution of language.

A tendency to suspect conspiracy when things start to go wrong, especially socially, is therefore probably a highly adaptive facility, thus present in most or all humans. For anybody not eager to see a socialist agenda implemented, the “global warming” movement, at least until a few years ago, definitely represented things “starting to go wrong”.

Looking, it’s easy to see abundant evidence of socialist conspiracy behind the “global warming” movement. Not in the science so much, but in how it’s used to rationalize a socialist agenda: shutting down the Industrial Revolution.

For that matter, socialist conspiracy would also explain the way so many “liberal” groups, such as the ACLU; seem to be throwing Mann under the bus all of a sudden, after staying so quiet about his behavior for so long. The changing focus from urgent mitigation, an excuse to raise the price of energy by a factor of 5-10 or more, to adaptation and slower remediation approaches makes the whole thing useless to the socialist agenda, so they turn their attention to other excuses. Thus, now, the need to protect their pretense of caring about “freedom of speech” is more important than protecting the “hero” of a now useless rational.

But note this about the word “conspiracy” and meanings behind it: once you realize that such things can take place in human relatives without language, you realize that even among humans, “conspiracies” can take place without people talking to one another, even if they’re jumping into other people’s conversations in their support (e.g. Joshua, “nevaudit”, Michael, Webster, etc.)

I’ll also note, on a more individual level, that I’ve never suggested that the whole thing was a “conspiracy”. Rather, my suggestion is that when “global warming” showed up on the scientific radar, the existing socialist conspiracies jumped on the bandwagon, pushing their agendas as the “solution”. Just as I’m suggesting they’re jumping off, now that solutions that don’t fit their agendas are on the table.

Comment on Institutionalizing Dissent by Wagathon


Adjust for the adjustments and we’re left with “decline” and “fall.”

Comment on Cause of hiatus found deep in the Atlantic Ocean by freeHat


The ‘one-paper warning’ [sic] thing I garnered from realclimate.org. Both interesting and inconsistently applied outreach I surmise.

Comment on Cause of hiatus found deep in the Atlantic Ocean by Real But Exaggerated

Comment on Open thread by Dave Peters


Scott — Near term, TX, PA, & ND obviously benefit through their linkage to comparatively elevated fluid hydrocarbon prices. There is a school which holds that oil has permanently tipped bullish–as required investment simply cannot outrun Chindian growth against degrading development prospects. Forever. But this is not a political constraint.

Policed combustion sets up another experiment: southern acceptance of new nuclear (Watt’s Bar, Vogtle & Summer–with Bellefonte in the wings), vs. CA’s solar mania & NY’s new regime of dispersed energy investment contrived via utility rates and mandates.

A glance at France v. Germany/Spain ought lend a preview.

Comment on Cause of hiatus found deep in the Atlantic Ocean by Hank Zentgraf


Alarmism and skepticism converging?

Comment on Cause of hiatus found deep in the Atlantic Ocean by Alistair Riddoch


I would like it considered, by those who haven’t yet, the impact of gravity phases.

Believed to be fact:
Every 11 years, the sun flips magnetic poles.
Every 11 years, the polarity of “pressure”/gravity at the North and South poles reverses in response.
-Where the North magnetic pole was being “pushed on” becomes “pulled on”
-Where the South magnetic pole was being “pulled on”, becomes “pushed on”
The Earth’s magnetic and gravitational field around the equator changes very much seasonally, due to constant rotation and equally distributed exposure to the Sun’s E/M field.
The gravitational field reversals at the poles causes “Polar Vortex Wobbles”, causes the mild glaciation the Canada and it’s North experienced this past winter. The freeze of the Great Lakes, the snow that landed in Ontario, late October and didn’t show us the ground again till late April. There were ZERO April showers, and May flowers did not show up on time.
This is in direct contrast to winters in Canada, over the past decade. The last time winter was this bad was 2002. The Arctic Ice is reforming and growing.
Because of our direction of travel through the cosmos, the South pole is always the trailing side in terms of motion. Our direction of motion North. Significantly.
Our sun, with us whizzing around it, are plowing through a cloud of magnetic energy that is 5 times stronger than NASA was expecting it to be. This was found out within the last couple of years.
The sun’s magnetic bubble, the Heliopause, is 38 billion km across. The opportunity/likelihood for this to be a large part of what drives the climate is large. The timing of accumulating this knowledge, versus our current ability to consider it’s impact is significant.
The sun’s speed relative to this cloud, is 26km/s give or take. (coincidentally matching our orbital speed around the sun, they may or may not be related.)
The inner workings or gravity and magnetism at the quantum level, is a current global mystery.
The true inner workings of the core, must also be elusive, because I have yet to hear an explanation for why there is a link from the core of the Earth to the surface, creating the Hawaii chain of Islands. This chain of islands moves slowly over time. Around 45 million years ago, it’s direction of motion bent by 60 degrees. This is a global mystery. Knowing this is a global mystery, it can be deduced we are not in complete knowledge of the Earths inner workings.
In 2009 researchers found radioactive decay rate to be variable, in response to the sun. The fact that radioactive decay rates are not constant was a surprise to the world. The mechanism is a global mystery. Again, this speaks to our knowledge of what is truly what, not being complete.
The amount of core heat, resulting from different forcings cannot be accurate, because we do not know how the core works. We are only guessing. The surprises and new information are much more recent that the initiation of the Global Warming theory. They nave not yet been factored into it. How can we, they are global mysteries.

The effects of everything I mention are the root cause of the disagreement between alarmists and deniers.

The gravity pattern is the cause of the stadium wave. The El Nino’s/La Nina’s timing. The weather should be considered in 22 year cycles. The sun should be reconsidered for it’s impact on the Eartch’s climate. The impact of gravity is higher than the impact of sunlight. It is not sunlight that is the primary cause of Earth’s heat budget fluctuations. It is Magnetically influenced gravity fluctuations.

All of this information is verifiable. Especially look at the maps from the GRACE satellite mission. Listen to the mysteries, re: Hawaii, the Heliopause, the shape of gravity, the workings of magnetism, the flow of neutrinos, the variation in radioactive decay rates, the seeming discord between polar ice accumulation and expectations.

They aren’t part of the answer, they are THE answer, that drives the Earth’s energy budget. Climate is a result.

CME’s are weather affecters that are only starting to be recognized. If you live in the North, you may have noticed when they occur in winter, and hit Earth, they ALWAYS cause heat waves. They ALWAYS cause melting of snow. They are under-recognized in their potential, because we have not yet clued into the importance of the gravity variations.

Magnetism and light do not travel well through oceans.

Gravity on the other hand, is omnipresent, and omnipotent. You cannot escape it’s effect. Even space is not zero gravity. It is BALANCED gravity.

Gravity has polarity like light. Gravity is like the top of a pool with a bunch of kids in it, purposely slapping the water in a rythm, creating standing waves in the water. But the gravity field is in constant motion.

Dark Energy and Dark Matter have been quantified. They are the medium that Einstein, and Michelson Morely were seeking. NASA has quantified it. Given that we now know a medium exists, the conclusions that derived Relativity need to be re-examined. They are directly derived from the failure to find an aether, and are directly built on the belief there is not an aether. Our belief in time dilation is built on the belief there is not an aether. Our understanding of the way things work, are based on calculations that are considered inaccurate, if they don’t match the belief that time dilates. And again, the necessity to believe time can dilate, is DIRECTLY in response to Einstein’s belief there is no aether. On this one, you can argue with me, but instead google “variable speed of light”, and read Einstein’s thoughts on the matter, since we believe in his equations, we should believe his other related thoughts on the matter. Especially since we have quantified the existence of an aether (at least in space).

I don’t expect or ask you to take any of this at face value.

Instead, check it out. If you are a paid climatologist, and you aren’t aware of the above, and refute any of it, check it out.

If you have an interest in physics, check out Einstein, variable speed of light, aether, then check for the quantification of DE/DM.

The verification of this information may come from the spectral analysis of lensed light coming from a single source, but presenting in multiple copies in our night sky. Sometimes 5 or 6. In a helix with two patterns of coiled high and low gravity.

It will come more circumstantially in the form of a second very cold North American winter. (likely a couple more to tell the whole truth. But I have to live them, so I don’t like thinking about it too much).

People who refute these facts, or their significance, are welcome to check them out.

The GRACE mission gravity anomaly maps are the best place to start. You can see the patterns first hand. And if you can’t explain the patterns that you see, then you know that you are not aware of all the worlds knowledge.

I am not very interested in reposnses from people who don’t take the time to check them out. Pay special attention to Greenland. And Africa, and North America. Pay special attention to the seasons. Pay special attention to the year to year same season progression. Pay attention to the flux between increasing gravity moving towards and away from the equator. Pay special attention to the “shape” of the interference pattern, to realize it is DUAL SOURCE. Inner and outer combined.

Know that the Earth in response to the Sun’s gravitational influence, has a “tidal” wave of about one meter, at the crust level. Derive that the entire structure from surface to core stretches and relaxes per day.

Know that barometric pressure, and water cycles are very tied to gravitational patterns.

And know that it is gravity “phases” that cause the timing and severity of the climate. Determine through the setting of the balance point, what our global temperature will be.

CO2 is not significant, because we have not properly analyzed past records, because we have not recognize the potency or mechanism of the suns impact on earth. CO2 responds to temperature, that has been determined.

I don’t deny there may be warming from CO2. If there is, it gets washed away, daily, by rotation, monthly by the moon, quarterly by gravity phase changes as we round the sun, yearly due to fluctuations in solar output of light energy, and every 22 years related to Sun’s magnetic field. In longer cycles due to Milankovitch cycles, which are further evidence, in themselves, that gravity/speed/location of Earth is more important to climate than any other mechanism.

Not recognizing that there is a relationship between magnetism, gravity, and the orbits of all the planets would be an error. The mechanism was not well enough known to explain this phenomena originally. Enough evidence has been accumulated now.

The Hawaii Mystery??? Consider that the timing seems related to our journey around the Milky Way. The bend of 60 degrees, cannot be tectonic, but can be gravitational. The fact the emperor/hawaii chain of islands shape is a pretty exact match for the Universes “Great Attractor” , include a tilt from one end to the other, is curious, and may, but may not be related.

I believe all of the above to be factual enough to build a compelling argument when assembled together.

I have tried to provide some of this information to Dr Curry in an e-mail, because the pictures that can be included are very compelling. She hasn’t deigned it necessary to respond at all. This is unfortunate. But I recognize the number of people who claim to have it all figured out, is by definition, much higher than the number of people who can possibly come up with the right answer, unless they come up with the same answer. Therefor, I empathize with Dr Curry, and just hope this helps.


Comment on Cause of hiatus found deep in the Atlantic Ocean by Tom Scharf


If Gavin has so much faith in his 90% or 95% attribution, then you should ask him to put his money where his mouth is and bet you at 10:1 or 20:1 on a 50% attribution.

If only we could envision that we will know this answer better in 20 years than we do today.

There is simply no downside to over-estimating confidence in this attribution, and that is its essential flaw.

Comment on Cause of hiatus found deep in the Atlantic Ocean by Mike Jonas


“There are recurrent cycles that are salinity-driven that can store heat deep in the Atlantic and Southern oceans. After 30 years of rapid warming in the warm phase, now it’s time for the cool phase.”

Yes, we have been saying that for years but the obsessive CO2ists and with few exceptions the politicians and media wouldn’t listen.

It may come as a surprise to these people, but “30 years of rapid warming” means 30 years of rapid warming. So the observed 30 years of rapid warming in the late 20thC was not caused by CO2.

The “50-50″ statement is dubious, because they haven’t actually ascribed the other 50% to CO2, they have just assumed that the unaccounted-for part is due to CO2. In reality, it could be due to something else. Hopefully, it really is due to CO2, because then we can mitigate the next 30 years of cool phase by keeping CO2 levels high. If CO2 doesn’t do the other 50% then we could be in for a very unpleasant cold time.

Comment on Cause of hiatus found deep in the Atlantic Ocean by AK


AK has his own settled science.

Not at all. I’m just pointing out the implications of what the research says, if correct.

But its not so settled.

Indeed not.

we have many good reasons for moving away from a carbon based energy system.

Mostly (probably-)low-probability risks where we can’t really evaluate the risks. Risks I’ve pointed out frequently, much more than you have.

the question is how, and how fast.

And whether we have do it all at once, or can “borrow” on the ocean/atmosphere’s ability to buffer our contribution until we can pull it back with remediation>

Comment on Cause of hiatus found deep in the Atlantic Ocean by captdallas2 0.8 +/- 0.2


Webster, “Cappy, movement of heat in the ocean as characterized by ENSO will cause changes in the global temperature.”

Movement of heat in the oceans isn’t very well characterized at all. Based on the current rate of ocean heat uptake and the best estimated depth of the little ice age, you are looking at events that happened 300 plus years ago still having some impact on the ocean heat movement/uptake. A number of less controversial paleo reconstructions indicate much longer term pseudo-periodic “cycles” with many indicating a pesky Bond event occurring every 1000 years or so. A longer term gradual recovery would have a similar ln(2) atmospheric response making it a bear to differentiate from GHG “forcing”.

Comment on Cause of hiatus found deep in the Atlantic Ocean by stevefitzpatrick


It is an interesting paper, but I would suggest caution: Argo measurements of heat content, combined with earlier (and spotty) measurements, suggest there has not been a great deal of change in the rate of heat accumulation over the past 20 years.

The suggestion that there is a long term oscillation in heat uptake which explains changes in warming rate is sensible; I just don’t think there is enough empirical support to say that explains everything. The numbers need to add up.

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