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Comment on How scientists fool themselves – and how they can stop by peter3172


“The good news, said the scientists, is that their research suggests it’s not too late to stop this, if we’re prepared to take tough action to reduce greenhouse emissions.”

Who’s fooling who?

Comment on How scientists fool themselves – and how they can stop by Ed


Not mentioned may be the most potent weapon in rectifying this sad situation – social shaming for the ones who won’t behave. For example, if a scientist won’t share his data or methods or stonewalls FOIA or …, shun him.

Comment on How scientists fool themselves – and how they can stop by Joseph


Don, who says the science is settled? And if the science is settled why are they doing more research that could potentially “unsettle” the science?

Comment on How scientists fool themselves – and how they can stop by AnonyMoose


“we give expected results a relatively free pass, but we rigorously check non-intuitive results.”
* There wasn’t less sea ice during period X, so let’s study why it’s not behaving as expected — and warn for what reasons it will soon be reduced as expected.
* Temperatures did not go up as expected, so let’s figure out why the Pause happened, but not study the period when temperatures rose as expected.

Comment on How scientists fool themselves – and how they can stop by Don Monfort


The Leader of the Free World From Behind says it’s settled, joey. Like gravity. Try to catch up.

They are doing more research to get paid and to come up with scarier scenarios. If it doesn’t get a lot warmer soon, discredited redundant climate scientists will be waiting tables and Ubering.

Comment on How scientists fool themselves – and how they can stop by Curious George


You did not redefine a peer review. The Team did.

Comment on How scientists fool themselves – and how they can stop by JCH


The one thing I know is denizens cannot be fooled and Professor Curry cannot be fooled. Only Gavin can fool himself. This makes it very easy to keep track of fools.

Comment on How scientists fool themselves – and how they can stop by Joseph


They are doing more research to get paid and to come up with scarier scenarios.

That’s funny, Don. So they (the scientisits) know “scary scenarios” are baloney, but they are doing it anyway because they are getting paid to do it. So how do you know this?

Comment on How scientists fool themselves – and how they can stop by Keitho



But they do need to be stopped.

Comment on How scientists fool themselves – and how they can stop by Don Monfort


I don’t have any more time for you, joey.

Comment on How scientists fool themselves – and how they can stop by peter3172


You just keep telling yourself that

Comment on How scientists fool themselves – and how they can stop by spotcash


You mean that the science never is settled? who would have thought?

Comment on How scientists fool themselves – and how they can stop by JCH


So what is wrong with him making money? We make money; we spend money. The more the better. But I agree on the potential benefits of warming deserving more attention. I think it’s just going to be wonderful to have deeper oceans. I’ve always been bothered by how shallow the current oceans are. And I was thinking, our national parks are just too crowded. We need new ones. An inundated Miami Beach would make a great new national park. And I bet they could sell tickets to watch all those rich people lose their Malibu homes.

Comment on How scientists fool themselves – and how they can stop by Wert


There are only two options:
* Either the seas are not going to rise fast
* Or they are going to do it, and we have no freaking possibility to conserve energy / set up joky wind mills to come near to a solution that would stop the rise.

Talking about mitigation is fooling oneself. Or fooling others.

Comment on How scientists fool themselves – and how they can stop by JCH


Are you dim, Jim, or merely pretending? Do you really advocate the extermination of the human race by removing all CO2 from the atmosphere, or do just want to remove enough enough CO2 that we live in a state of starvation forever? …

All would be good. All things being equal, the earth would get a little cold, but all things aren’t equal, so nobody knows what might happen in our happy, zero CO2 future.

Comment on How scientists fool themselves – and how they can stop by JCH


Well, at least I don’t think I know more about swans than Taleb does. That one was a true three-ring circus.

Comment on How scientists fool themselves – and how they can stop by Michael Flynn



I hate to interfere with your fantasy, but plants cannot survive without CO2, any more than you can survive without oxygen.

Zero CO2 in the atmosphere means the end of the human race. Are you really as dim as Jim?

I’m really starting to doubt the rationality of the average Warmist. Even Skeptical Science acknowledges plants need CO2 to survive, but attempt to divert and confuse by pointing out that plants need more than just CO2 – perfectly true and perfectly stupid.

It’s about as stupid as saying that removing all oxygen from the atmosphere would be good, because breathing 100% pure oxygen will lead to death. Must surely be a deadly poison, what?

Maybe you should concentrate on Jim’s graphs.

Comment on Week in review – science edition by AK

Comment on How scientists fool themselves – and how they can stop by Michael Flynn



I’m not sure if you understand that the interior of the Earth appears to be fluid enough for the crust to be in constant motion. Tectonic plate movement appears to factual and measurable, whether you think it is voodoo science or not.

Sea beds rise and fall, as do the continents. The amount of heat released into the oceans from thermal vents is completely unknown. I assumed you knew this, but I now assume your knowledge of geophysics is far less than mine. In any case, nobody can predict what relative sea levels will occur at any particular location, at any particular time. Good luck with trying.

Maybe you should apply your enthusiasm to building perpetual motion machines, or discovering z rays. I with you well.


Comment on How scientists fool themselves – and how they can stop by Hank Zentgraf


Are we risking future generation’s wellbeing? Not if we are convinced there is a small anthropogenic affect but the political elite are exaggerating the consequences. Even influential climate scientists claim that every extreme weather event is caused by man’s emissions with absolutely no evidence. That tells me that the process is corrupted. Recent studies are clearing things up quite rapidly. Since we are in an 18 year pause, we have 18 more years to study the issue before we need to worry about future generations.
The models that produce the “projections” are pathetic. The fact that they are still used to drive public policy is a scandal IMHO.

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